Big Book Project: Cautionary Tales for Children

The big book project was a group project that required us to design our own interpretation of Hilaire Belloc’s book ‘Cautionary Tales for Children’. My group’s intepretation of the book was to turn it into a coffee-table book for adults that are passionate about art and design.

Our book adopts an eccentric, radical punk inspired aesthetic to reflect the grim reality of each poem’s morals whilst also keeping it fun and entertaining.

I was in charge of the type and layout for the book and the following slides will showcase some of the spreads that I did (apart from the front cover and content pages).

My role in this project!

For this project, I produced hand drawn type and digitally drawn text to bring dynamism to the pages. When doing so, I took inspiration from the illustrations and poems to direct the style that I approached the work with.

I was also responsible for the layout of the spreads within the book. For pages that were text focused, I paid close attention to my choice of colours and typography in order to effectively enhance the story of the poems. As for spreads that highlighted the illustrations, I tried to keep the text as minimal as possible to bring more attention to the details within the imagery used.


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