Digital Photography: Landscapes

I mainly prefer to use my Canon EOS 2000D camera and bring it out with me on-the-go in case there's something interesting for me to capture. As well as taking pictures of environments on their own, I also enjoy photographing people within these landscapes as a way of showing a glimpse in their lives. Some of these images tell interesting stories, and it is up to the viewer’s interpretation of what they think it may be through just a captured moment.

I took these photographs at Hampton in London. The architectural design of the houses stood out a lot to me because they reminded me of American houses, especially the front porches, which reminded me of the movie, Interstellar, which is one of my all-time favourite movies.

I took this image at Crockford Bridge Farm. This scene was very lovely, seeing the children walk hand and hand with each other across the field. They looked so small against the gigantic tree standing next to them.

All of these photos were taken during the summer of 2021. Since I was staying with my family friend whom lived in London, I got to explore many parts of the city which I had never visited before. It was nice being able to spend time with them outside in parks, gardens and even farms. As I come from a place that’s a big city, being surrounded by nature was something that I had taken for granted.




Portrait Photography