Meet Zap!

Zap is a gym enthusiast and is very proud of it!

When Zap isn't at the gym (which is a very rare occurence), 

Zap enjoys skating with mates and drinking at the pub.

Zap is messy, so you'll find piles of gym wear 

lying around Zap's room.

Some of Zap’s collectable stickers!

Meet Mello!

Mello is like the parental figure of the group.

Mello loves, loves, loves coffee! 

Mello can't function without drinking a cup of coffee a day.

Mello is a big foodie, and likes taking friends 

to the best spots!

Some of Mello’s collectable stickers!

Meet Biggy!

Biggy is a big procrastinator, but with the right motivation,

Biggy can do anything!

Biggy loves gaming (and its the only time you'll catch

Biggy on 100% focus mode).

Biggy loves to eat food, and enjoys cooking 

(because of the reward of good food!).

Some of Biggy’s collectable stickers!

Meet Jazzy!

Jazzy is friendly, and is full of energy!

Jazzy is messy, but believes that can be excused because

Jazzy is an artist.

In Jazzy's spare time, Jazzy enjoys to bake, dye Jazzy's hair and paint. Because Jazzy is often forgetful, things are sometimes left a mess!

Some of Jazzy’s collectable stickers!